Is Acupuncture For Tui Na A Real Alternative Treatment?
The word tui na (meaning "pierce through") is a reference to an array of Chinese treatment techniques, such as posture and therapeutic massage work. Tui Na can be employed to address specific patterns or disturbances in the body. Also known as "four-limb technique of acupuncture" technique, because it applies pressure on four different limbs - both legs and arms. Therapists use their thumbs, fingers and palms to place pressure directly onto the limbs. The method originated in China and was widely adopted by Western practitioners and doctors who saw its potential for treatment of a variety of conditions.
The body has the capability of healing itself, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. The practitioners often go to great lengths to propagate this idea. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medical) methods are used to alleviate pain, injuries and prevent illness. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that our bodies have an energetic center, also known as "Qi" that is constantly in equilibrium. 출장안마 A imbalanced energy can create illness and cause other problems.
Taner Yachian created a method that promotes Qi and blood flow through organs, allowing the organs to heal themselves and decrease suffering. His theories were developed based on studies that were randomised and controlled. They were carried out on animals which revealed that the treated animals displayed lesser trauma and pain than animals who were not treated. Then, after this, he started to test the effect of pressure on various body parts. These findings were stunning. With the aim of making Tui Na easier to his patients started to teach Tui Na to these patients.
Presently, Tui Na is used for a variety of conditions and is utilized in hundreds of Chinese massage therapies, starting with basic neck or back massages, to full cervical therapy. It is commonly used to treat cervical radiography. Cervical radiography is the most frequent source of lower back pain as well as a lack of mobility for seniors. Numerous chiropractors who work with Tui Na along with other variants of traditional Chinese medicine are of the opinion that the technique could help those suffering from degenerative spinal issues, which includes cervical radiculopathy.
Randomized controlled studies in America haven't been able to demonstrate that Chinese massage therapy can be utilized to treat chronic pain or spinal problems. More studies are needed to confirm the benefits of Tui Na when treating chronic conditions. One study found that Chinese massage therapy is efficient in relieving neck stiffness as well as radioculopathy. However, results were different between studies. Another study demonstrated that Chinese massage therapy is extremely effective for treating osteoarthritis degenerative bone diseases and various illnesses. Both of the studies revealed a reduction in the movement of hip joints and reduced pain. Though these results are encouraging however, it's unclear what the Chinese treatment or Chinese massage therapy is responsible for the improvements.
Also of interest is the impact of Tui Na and acupuncture on the causes of hearing loss and ear disorders. However, it's unclear which Tui Na can be used to treat deafness caused by hearing loss or cochlear damage The effectiveness of Tui Na is still unclear. A study has found Chinese herbal medicines may be useful for treating people suffering from damage to the cochlea that is caused by hearing loss. A study that was controlled by placebo found that Chinese herbs were beneficial in treating mild inner-ear hearing loss.
The research has focused on the effect of Tui Na on treating menstrual problems as well as related issues including breast cancer, and menopausal discomfort. Studies have revealed that Tui Na massages are more preferred by women with menstrual disorders. Another study revealed that Chinese herbal remedies are efficient for treating postmenopausal women with hot flashes. Within this particular category of women, Chinese herbal remedies such as Ligusticum and Milk Thistle had positive effects on hot flash severity. There is no clear answer to exactly what Chinese massage therapy can do to breast cancer , or breast fibroid tumors.
Some Chinese herbal medicines don't produce Tui Na or other herbal drugs like Qi Gong. In cases of allergies to Ligusticum, Tui Na can be treated through Acupuncture. Chinese herbs can be extremely helpful and safe when used carefully and in the appropriate dosage. Certain patients should consult with their physician prior to beginning any form of acupuncture-related treatment. This applies to those suffering from cardiovascular and orthopedic conditions.